IUOE and all IUOE local union/employer training trust funds combined spent over $110 million on training in 2010. Clearly, an annual investment of this size shows how firmly IUOE local unions and IUOE signatory contractors believe in maintaining a well-trained, safe and productive work force.
IUOE heavy equipment operator training schools and stationary training programs are second to none. We have over one-thousand instructors, hundreds of facilities, classrooms, shops, and labs, and thousands of acres throughout the United States and Canada where apprentices and journey-level members hone or advance their skills. Our members have access to training on virtually every topic heavy equipment operators and stationary engineers need to become their very best.

To learn more about heavy equipment operator training schools and stationary training in your area, follow the links below. Heavy equipment operator training schools are designated H&P (hoisting and portable equipment), stationary training programs are designated S, and local unions with both types are designated M (Mixed).
United States