It’s been said a lot of different ways, but it all comes down to productivity: when highly skilled people do the job right the first time, end costs are less than those when using cheap labor.
With stationary engineers though, cost is just one concern. Continuous safe operation of the facility has to be foremost in everyone’s mind. Technological expertise and a dedication to safety are must-have attributes for today’s stationary engineers. It’s not enough to simply maintain and service their facilities, IUOE stationary engineers must be proactive and anticipate and prevent problems from occurring.
To reach such a proactive level of expertise, continuing education is essential. After acquiring fundamental and core technical skills, our stationary engineers are encouraged to work toward obtaining licenses and certifications to increase their value to their employers. IUOE stationary engineers know that training is a life-long process required to keep abreast of the changes in technology.
The National Training Fund (NTF) develops and provides skilled craft training for local unions to use in training IUOE stationary journey-level engineers and apprentices. IUOE stationary local unions provide different levels of training based on their geographic needs. Click here to see course summaries of the NTF-provided curriculum.
Many IUOE stationary local unions have apprentice and journey level training available through a Joint Apprenticeship Committee (JAC) training fund. Some local unions provide training through vocational and technical schools and community colleges.
Please contact the local union in your area for detailed training information.
Click here to find a local near you.