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Vice President Harris has earned the endorsement of the International Union of Operating Engineers. Her steadfast support for workers is evidenced over decades of public service. As a prosecutor and the Attorney General of California, Harris worked to enforce labor laws and secure back wages for workers when their employers stole from their paychecks. As U.S. Senator and Vice President, she was an outspoken voice for labor law reform and the PRO Act. This leads us to one simple conclusion: Kamala Harris is the best choice for Operating Engineers.

The HARRIS Record: More Jobs, Better Wages

  • Leveling the Playing Field. Vice President Harris lent the decisive vote to the Inflation Reduction Act, which required the payment of prevailing wages and the use of apprentices on large-scale energy projects. These policies rebalanced a corrupt tax code and would not exist in the federal law if not for Vice President Harris’s tie breaking vote. They will help ensure that our clean energy future is built with good union jobs.
  • Protecting Freedoms. Vice President Harris broke a tie to confirm the leader of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). The Trump Administration installed the most anti-union NLRB in American history, emboldening bosses to trample workers’ rights. The new leadership at the Labor Board defends workers’ rights and protects fundamental freedom. Vice President Harris made the difference.
  • Creating Jobs. Operating Engineers spent decades advocating for a once-in-a-generation investment to rebuild American infrastructure. President Biden and Vice President Harris got it done. As a result, we now see record high construction employment and secure wages and benefits accompany those public investments in transportation, water systems, and the electricity grid. And we are not done. Vice President Harris says, “When we invest in our infrastructure, we invest in our economy, we invest in our future – a better future for workers, businesses, families, and communities.”

Vice President Harris is right. This race is about the future. It is about the freedom to join a union. The opportunity to start a career as an apprentice. The guarantee of a fair wage for a hard day’s work. And the security of a fully funded pension in retirement. Former President Trump squashed these fundamental freedoms, protecting wealthy business owners and corporations over workers.

The choice is clear. Vice President Kamala Harris and Governor Tim Walz will empower working people, protect the freedom to join a union, and continue creating jobs for Operating Engineers by rebuilding American infrastructure. The International Union of Operating Engineers proudly recommends Kamala Harris for President and Tim Walz for Vice President.

Vote union.

Vote Harris-Walz!

General Executive Board Resolution –


Members of the IUOE General Excutive Board voted unanimously to pass a resolution endorsing Kamala Harris for President of the United States and rescind Convention Resolution #41.



How you vote is a personal decision. The International Union of Operating Engineers has taken the time to research the candidates’ record on the issues that matter most to the pocketbooks of members of the IUOE. Please consider the recommendation of the IUOE when in the privacy of the voting booth.
Paid for by EARN International Union of Operating Engineers, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.