The International Training & Education Center is the most advanced
training facility for union Operating and Stationary Engineers in North America.
Courses are offered exclusively to IUOE members. Register today!
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Operate heavy construction equipment that build the U.S. and Canada and
utilize the latest technologies to operate and maintain public, commercial, and
industrial facilities in both countries.
Trained . . . Skilled . . . Safe . . . Productive
Providing contractors a competitive edge that is priceless!
Proud of what we have built . . .
What we are building . . .
And the facilities we maintain in the U.S. and Canada every day.
IUOE members have access to the most advanced training for union Operating and Stationary Engineers throughout North America, including our world-class training center in Texas.
IUOE locals across North America train and place highly-skilled men and women into rewarding careers. Find out more about what it means to be a union Operating Engineer.